This project’s objective was to create a Nigella Sativa/Turmeric-based product, rooted in a mystical back story, using only black and yellow colors on the packaging.

Packaging. Branding. Illustration. Web Design. Presentation. Narrative.

Landing Page

Single screen, no scroll, card-turning info page, with a quick call to action to order.

Sketch Ideation

Ardra: A constellation from Hindu astrology meaning green, moist one, or ancient mist that gives life, complimenting the mystical story of the falling stars and plant life that grew from the Earth. The symbol — a teardrop — was used as the petals in the Sativa flower.

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 1.47.20 PM.png

Label Exploration.

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 9.07.27 AM.png


Role: Packaging. Illustration. Web Design.

Tools: Illustrator. Photoshop. Brackets.

Client: Seattle Central Creative Academy School Project

Timeframe: 4 weeks

Images: Stock


The Storm Inside